With the only microarray analysis facilities in Korea,
Macrogen offers unprecedented precision and speed.

This is a service that interprets useful genomic information using microarrays produced for various types of research.


Macrogen provides various gene analysis services using precise DNA microarray technology. Known by various terms such as DNA chip, biochip, and gene-array, microarray is a technology that measures the expression pattern of genes and verifies whether there is a mutation by arranging invisible probes on a chip and reacting DNA, RNA, protein, etc. For microarray analysis, correct execution of tests and the capacity to correctly select significant genetic information from test results, as well as the technology to integrate probes at high density and produce them in a small chip form, are essential.

Macrogen is the only company in Korea that has all the products of Illumina, Affymetrix and Agilent, which are the main suppliers of microarray products. Based on this equipment, we offer genetic testing services for research purposes such as mRNA, miRNA, SNP, CGH, and DNA methylation. Based on extensive test and analysis experience for research customers around the world, Macrogen guarantees that it will provide only high-quality data results.

Expression Microarray

This is a technique for analyzing genomes with characteristics for which the expression level varies, depending on the biological environment.

Expression Microarray

mRNA Expression Microarray

mRNA (messenger RNA) is a type of RNA produced when DNA goes through transcription. It includes the coding region that contains protein information. Analysis of mRNA’s expression pattern is crucial to finding the gene that carries out the main function in a certain environment and the gene’s pathway. With an mRNA expression microarray, the level of the whole gene expression can be analyzed. Even when genetic information whose expression changes according to changes in the biological environment needs to be checked, our microarray screening can provide results quickly.

mRNA Expression Microarray Platforms

Manufacturer Specimen Platform
Agilent - Human
- Mouse
- Rat
- Model Org/Non-Human
- SurePrint G3 Gene Expression
- SurePrint G3 Exon
- Customization
- etc
Affymetrix - Gene ST (Whole Transcript)
- GenomeArray (3'IVT)
- etc
Life Technologies - Taqman mRNA Expression
- Openarray Customization


Areas of Analysis Description
Data analysis of DE Basic statistics(Fold change, group mean, sd etc.)
Identifying differentially expressed genes(T-test, LPE test, ANOVA etc.)
Multiple testing correction (FDR, Bonferroni etc.)
Clustering Analysis for DEG ( Hierarchical clustering, K-means etc.)
Functional analysis KEGG pathway, GeneOntologyannotation(DAVID, goProfiles, GOstats etc.)
GeneSet Enrichment Analysis
Customized analysis Integrative analysis (mRNA-miRNA, methylation~mRNA, mRNA-CNV etc.)

microRNA Expression Microarray

This is an analytical technique that can quickly screen information about various microRNA that control gene expression during the translation process. microRNA is a single-sequence small RNA composed of 21 – 25 nucleotides. microRNA controls gene expression by interrupting mRNA’s function of forming protein via the translation process. Study of microRNA can broaden understanding of RNA silencing. The miRNA Expression Microarray can be used to analyze the whole miRNAs from various organisms. In addition to miRNA analysis in cells or tissues, interest is recently growing in exosome samples for the study of the role of miRNA in inter-cell interactions. Macrogen provides reliable results based on its experience in exosomalRNA miRNA analysis.

miRNA Expression Microarray Platforms

Manufacturer Specimen Platform
Agilent - Human
- Mouse
- Rat
- Model Org/Non-Human
- SurePrint G3 miRNA Expression
- Customization
Affymetrix - miRNA 4.0 (203 specimens)
Life Technologies - Taqman miRNA Expression


Areas of Analysis Description
Data analysis of DE Basic statistics(Fold change, group mean, sd etc.)
Identifying differentially expressed genes(T-test, LPE test, ANOVA etc.)
Multiple testing correction (FDR, Bonferroni etc.)
Clustering Analysis for DEG ( Hierarchical clustering, K-means etc.)
Customized analysis Target gene prediction
Integrative analysis (mRNA-miRNA)

Genome Microarray

This is a technique to analyze DNA sequence variants or structural changes.

Genome Microarray

SNP Genotyping Microarray

For the human genome composed of about 3 billion pairs of bases, most DNA sequences of individuals match, but about 0.1% is SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), which is where the differences lie. Such SNP causes genetic diversity of an individual and the difference of sensitivity to different diseases. With the SNP Genotyping Microarray, millions of SNPs can be analyzed simultaneously. Macrogen has the largest SNP chip data automation production facilities in Korea and provides accurate results by applying strict data quality control processes.

SNP Genotyping Microarray Platforms

Manufacturer Specimen Classification Platform SNP contents
Illumina -Model Org.
Genome Wide
SNP Array
Infinium Omni5Exome-4 4.5M
Infinium Omni5-4 4.3M
Infinium Omni2.5Exome-8 2.7M
Infinium Omni2.5-8 2.5M
Infinium OmniExpressExome-8 950K
Infinium OmniExpress-24 715K
Infinium CoreExome-24 540K
Infinium Core-24 300K
Infinium GlobalScreeningArray 660K
Targeted Array Infinium QC Array-24 16K
Infinium Exome-24 250K
Infinium OncoArray-500K 500K
Infinium ImmunoArray-24 250K
Infinium PsychArray-24 590K
Life Technologies - Pre-designed probes
- Customized probes
- Openarray Customization up to 240 SNPs
Taqman genotyping


Areas of Analysis Description
SNP analysis SNP analysis
Single Based Association Study (PLINK, R)
Gene Based Association Study (SKAT, Score-Seqetc)
Functional analysis CNV segments Data (cnvPartition)
CNVR define
DGV mapping
Customized analysis Additional plotting, annotation, etc

CGH Microarray

CNV (Copy Number Variation) means the DNA variation that a certain sequence section more than 1Kb is lost or amplified and repeated in the chromosome. Such copy number variation can cause various genetic diseases, as well as the proliferation of cancer cells. When analyzing CGH chip data, you can find the CNV that is the cause of diseases or specific phenotypes by using databases such as DGV and ClinVar, and CNV on genes and chromosomes can be analyzed using the CGH Microarray. Our CGH microarray systems allow us to select products according to the needs of our clients while providing CNV verification services for cell lines used in therapy.

CGH Microarray Platforms

Agilent CGH

  • High resolution (60 mer) & sensitivity CGH/CNV chips are provided
  • CGH/CNV chips related to organisms other than human are provided and can be customized
  • CGH test using FFPE samples available
Product No. of Probes Average marker spacing
Human CGH 1x1M 1M 3,118 base
Human CGH 2x400K 400K 7,304 base
Human CGH 4x180K 180K 17,627 base
Human CGH 8x60K 60K 54,455 base


Areas of Analysis Description
CNV analysis CNV segments Data (cnvPartition)
CNVR define
DGV mapping
Customized analysis Additional plotting, annotation, etc

Epigenome Microarray

This method quantifies and analyzes the level of methylation of numerous DNA sites at the same time.


DNA Methylation Microarray

DNA methylation is a chemical transformation that controls gene expression. This phenomenon of methyl generated in cytosine at the CpG site exists around the promoter region of a gene. If the cause of a disease or phenotype is a change in the methyl group of a specific CpG site, then statistical analysis between groups can be used to identify the location of the CpG site within the entire DNA sequence. If methyl affects genes that play an important role in suppressing a tumor, such as tumor suppressor genes, then it can cause a fatal result - cancer. Macrogen can correctly identify whether there is genome methylation using the Illumina microarray and give biological meaning through statistical analysis of the results. We have the most extensive experience in methylation chip analysis in Korea and provide a premium service that analyzes correlation based on methylation data and gene expression data.

DNA Methylation Microarray Platforms

Product Contents Features
Illumina infinium
Methylation EPIC Chip
>860,000 CpG sites
(>26,000 genes)
8 FFPE sample tests per chip


Areas of Analysis Description
Data analysis of DE Basic statistics(delta_mean, group mean, sd etc.)
Identifying differentially methylated CpGs(T-test, ANOVA etc.)
Multiple testing correction (FDR, Bonferroni etc.)
Clustering Analysis for DM CpGs( Hierarchical clustering, K-means etc.)
Functional analysis KEGG pathway, GeneOntologyannotation(DAVID, goProfiles, GOstats etc.)
Customized analysis Integrative analysis (methylation, etc.)